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Clear Quartz Skull
  • Clear Quartz Skull


    When you think about what you want in life, does the answer come easily? Sometimes, it can be difficult to identify what we want because there are so many ideas running through our head. Whether it’s outside influence or internal lack of clarity that is preventing you from getting crystal clear, a Clear Quartz crystal can help. The clarity of the stone allows you to achieve a similarity clarity of mind, eliminating all mental clutter and reaching a higher state of being.


    Clear quartz is such a versatile crystal, it can be placed almost anywhere in the home.

    The office - Clear quartz is known to clear the mind, it’s a great choice to place on your desk.

    In the Living Room - Clear quartz can raise the vibration in your living room, leading to a positive and happy energy.

    With your plants - Clear quartz amplifies the energetic vibration of any living organism – including plants. Try placing a piece on the soil of your house plants!

    Also great to use during meditation to amplify your energy & connection to the spiritual realm.

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